Saturday, November 15, 2014

Fall Cemetery Shots

Last week I crashed someone else's shoot. I don't make it a habit, but my fiancé Heidi was doing a photoshoot with the talented young Emily May Adams, so I tagged along just for fun.  Our location was Orchard Mesa Municipal Cemetery on a beautifully sunny fall day. Emily was taking levitation photos and some fun cemetery pics for her portfolio, so I was just there to get a few random shots and help out. I don't think I was much help, but it was fun.  The weather was great, but the harsh sun made the lighting less than ideal for some of the shots I wanted.  Luckily there were plenty of spots in the shade, and the leaves provided a wonderful bit of color for backgrounds.  This shoot was mostly just for fun, and since I had no real agenda, I had lost of random pics to play with.  I even got a few of my G35 at the cemetery gates! I still have a few shots I'd love to spend some time editing, but I'm not sure when I'll get to them.  It's been a busy week.  This weekend, I have a shoot for a local publication that will take a big chunk of my weekend.  Check out some of my favorite shots below!

 One of my favorites from the shoot, I and a lot of fun photoshopping this!

Here is a quick before and after comparison of the raw photo compared to my final touched up image.

Sunset at the cemetery gates.

Completely unplanned, but this is probably one of my favorite car photos to date!

Some random shots I liked.

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