Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hummingbirds are very crafty

Looking out our living room window this week, I've noticed a lot of hummingbird activity around the neighbor's Butterfly bush.  Being an opportunistic and ambitious wannabe photographer, I grabbed my camera and went to try and get the elusive hummingbird shot.  I've spent more time than I will even admit to trying to get a clear photo of the little bastards.  Three or four of them will swarm the bush at once, making their cute little noises and chasing each other around without a care in the world.  As soon as I grab my camera, *poof*, they disappear. I've tried sneaking up on them.  I've tried sitting in the yard and waiting for them.  I've tried hiding in the bushes.  No matter what I do, as soon as I see them, they flee. They taunt me. Always close when I don't have a camera.  This was the closest I've gotten. I think the next step is to get a hummingbird feeder outside the window to lure them closer to the house.  Oh well.

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